
Because, Like a Dog, I Work for Rewards

At first I was thinking that I would create a calendar and put weights on the dates and if I hit a goal by that date then I would be able to reward myself. There were two problems with this plan:
(1) I don’t like the idea of punishing myself for losing weight, but not as fast as I had expected; and
(2) Because I don’t like that idea, I would change the dates, and that would destroy the whole purpose.

Instead, I’ve decided to reward myself for every 5 lbs that I lose. Every Monday morning I am going to weigh myself and take my measurements. For every 5 lbs that I lose I am going to reward myself with $30 to spend on something that isn’t necessary. $30 is an incentive to lose weight but isn’t crazy, because I am also trying to get better with money. Also, $30 is more than I would normally spend on myself.

We will see how this all works out for me 🙂